A. Works concerning the entire Romanian territory
Flora Reipublicae Popularis (Socialisticae) Romaniae
Flora Magna Romaniae Published: 1952-1976, Bucharest
Editor in Chief: Traian Săvulescu (1889-1963)
Authors (in alphabetical order): Liviu Alexandrescu (1899-1980), Gheorghe Anghel (1910- ?), Alexandru Beldie (1912-2003), Alexandru Buia (1911-1964), Ștefan Csürös (1994-1998), Constantin Dobrescu (1912-1989), Ioan Gergely (1928-1990), Eugen V. Ghișa (1909-1984), Gheorghe Grințescu (1878-1956), Ioan Grințescu (1874-1963), Mihail Gușuleac (1887-1960), Iuliu Morariu (1905-1989), Anton Nyárády (1920-1982), Erasmus I. Nyárády (1881-1966) (coordinating editor of volumes III-X), Constantin Papp (1896-1972), Ana Paucă (1907-1963), Emil Pop (1897-1974), Iuliu Prodan (1875-1959), Ioan Șerbănescu (1903-1971), Traian Ștefureac (1908-1986), Ioan Todor (1914-1981), Emilian Țopa (1900-1987), Calman Váczy (1913-1992), Vasile Velican (1904-1984), Constantin Zahariadi (1901-1985)
No. of volumes: 13
No. of pages: > 9300
Publisher: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare (Socialiste) România
Notes: By far the largest, most detailed, and most complete opus of the Romanian botanical literature, The Flora of Romania (Romanian title: Flora Republicii Populare (Socialiste) România, abbreviation on this site: FMR - Flora Magna Romaniae) is an encyclopedia containing both all of the spontaneous plant species known to exist at the moment of its publication (with continuing updates in every volume) and the majority of the ones cultivated in Romania as well. The work's Editor-in-chief and political sponsor was Traian Săvulescu of the Romanian Academy, Romanian biologist focusing on botany and micology, while the members of the Editorial Committee were among the most competent Romanian botanists of their time, an important part of them also members of the Romanian Academy. In its 13 volumes published between 1952 and 1976, the opus contains determination keys and detailed descriptions of all enclosed taxons, a complete list of their placenames (known at that time), detailed illustrations for most of them, information about endemics, ice age relics, and their conservation status. Despite being published over a period that started more than half a century ago, the work remains a topmost national botanical reference and, considering the fact that a significant number of its authors had passed away by the moment the final volume was printed, it can be regarded as a vast thesaurus of knowlege that was passed to future generations of Romanian botanists. Last but not least, it's also a snapshot of status of Romanian natural environment prior to the beginning of the reckless destruction of Nature that started some time in the 1950s - and still continues unabated to the present day. Considering all of the above, The Flora of Romania is still worthy of serious examination and deserves nothing less than gratitude and homage. One can only wish for an updated edition of this fundamental work to be published some time in the near future, or, perhaps better yet, a periodically updated database with botanical data of similar or higher complexity.
Index of Flora Magna Romaniae
Flora Europaea
Flora Europaea Published: 1964-1980, 1993, Cambridge, U.K.
Editors: Thomas Gaskell Tutin (1908–1987), Vernon Hilton Heywood (1927-), Norman Alan Burges (1911–2002), David Moresby Moore (1933-2013), David Henriques Valentine (1912–1987), Stuart Max Walters (1920–2005), David Allardice Webb (1912–1994), John Richard Edmonson (1948-)
Contributing Authors: Arthur Oliver Chater (1933-), Ian Bertram Kay Richardson (1940-), Peter William Ball (1932-), R.A. De Filipps (?), Ian Keith Ferguson (1938-) John Robert Akeroyd (1952-), Martha Elizabeth Newton (1941-)
No. of volumes: 5
No. of pages: 1890
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Notes: A concise presentation of the opus is available at the link above. But, from a more personal perspective, for a Romanian botanist - or, for that matter, for any European one - Flora Europea (abbreviation on this site: FEU) may well be one of the 2 topmost flowering plant references to consult whenever one wants to check or cross-check plant information. One such case is certainly when no description seems to fit a known species from one's country and one may wonder if they have stumbled upon a new species, or a species that may have just crossed the border from a neighbouring and is observed for the first time. And, more often than not, one might hear this question from a fellow botanist: "But have you checked with Flora Europaea ? What does IT have to say about this species ?"
Cartea Roșie a plantelor vasculare din România
Cartea Roșie a plantelor vasculare din România Published: 2009, Bucharest
Authors: Gheorghe Dihoru, Gavril Negrean
No. of pages: 630
Publisher: Editura Academiei Române (www.ear.ro)
ISBN: 978-973-27-1705-9
Notes: The opus (English: The Red Book of Romanian vascular plants, abbreviation on this site: CRR) is the most comprehensive and detailed work published to date on endangered plant species of the Romanian Flora. It includes 645 condensed datasheets, one for each species, containing the species name, a list of synonyms, a brief morphological description, taxonomical data, conservation status, global area of distribution, habitat, a list of author(s) and year of publication of the species placename(s), and protected areas where the plant was located. Where applicable, a reference to Romanian herbariums where specimens of the species are stored is also included.
Plante Vasculare din România
Plante Vasculare din România Published: 2013, Bucharest
Authors: Ion Sârbu, Nicolae Ștefan, Adrian Oprea
No. of pages: 1320
Publisher: Editura Victor B. Victor (e-mail: victorst@itcnet.ro)
ISBN: 978-606-8149-08-0
Notes: The opus (English: Romanian vascular plants, abbreviation on this site: FIS) is the most recent and most comprehensive field guide concerning the spontaneous and some subspontaneous/cultivated species of the Romanian Flora, including a number of new taxons. A large number of black and white plant illustrations are included, as well as more than 540 color photos.
Flora ilustrată a României. Pteridophyta et Spermatophyta
Flora ilustrată a României Published: 2009, Bucharest (3rd Edition)
Author: Vasile Ciocârlan (1926-2013)
ISBN: 978-973-40-0817-9
No. of pages: 1141
Publisher: Editura Ceres
Notes: The opus (English: The illustrated Flora of Romania, abbreviation on this site: FVC), is a well known and frequently used field guide of the Romanian Flora, which was first published in 1990 and subsequently improved and reprinted in 2000 and 2009, each edition adding new taxons that were discovered in the meantime. The book contains an important, even if sometimes sketchy, number of black and white illustrations. The 3rd edition of the book is the most cited Romanian source in the Euro+Med Plant Database. Though it has been superseeded by more recent works, this sturdy book is still present in the backpack of many a Romanian botanist or plant enthusiast exploring the outdoors.
B. Works concerning parts of the Romanian territory
Flora și vegetația Munților Retezat
Flora și vegetația Munților Retezat Published: 1958, Bucharest
Author: Erasmus I. Nyárády (1881-1966)
No. of pages: 195
Publisher: Editura Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne
Notes: The opus (English: The Flora and Vegetation of the Retezat Mountains, abbreviation on this site: FVRT), is an extensive botanical study regarding the Retezat Mts (>850 sq km; highest peak 2509 m asl), one of the richest and most biodiverse region of the Southwestern Carpathians of Romania, declared a National Park as early as 1935. E.I. Nyárády, prestigious botanist, coordinating editor of a large part of FMR, studied the region repeatedly and in detail over a time span stretching more than a decade. The study presents a number of 68 subdivisions of the region pertaining to several habitats, with detailed descriptions, lists of plant species and history of previous botanical studies. It also offers information on the geography, geology, and climate of the Retezat Mts. The book also examines how human activity has adversely affected the region.
Flora și vegetația Munților Bucegi
Flora și vegetația Munților Bucegi Published: 1967, Bucharest
Author: Alexandru Beldie (1912-2003)
No. of pages: 578
Publisher: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România
Notes: The opus (English: The Flora and Vegetation of the Bucegi Mountains, abbreviation on this site: FVMB), is the most important botanical study of the Bucegi Mts (300 sq km; highest peak 2504 m asl), one of the richest and most biodiverse massif in the Southern Carpathians of Romania. Alexandru Beldie, prestigious botanist, coauthor of FMR as well as passionate mountain climber, was probably the most knowledgeable Romanian botanist of the subject matter. The book includes the list of plant species with placenames and sources, detailed informations on the geography and geology, climate, history of botanical studies, and plant associations of the Bucegi Mts.
Flora Munților Ciucaș
Flora Munților Ciucaș Published: 1989, Bucharest
Authors: Maria Ciucă, Alexandru Beldie (1912-2003)
No. of pages: 193
Publisher: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România
ISBN: 973-27-0084-X
Notes: The book (English: The Flora of the Ciucaș Mountains, abbreviation on this site: FMCS), is a comprehensive botanical study of the Ciucaș-Muntele Roșu Mts, a biodiverse and picturesque mountain massif (203 sq km; highest peak at 1954 m asl) located in the Southeastern Carpathians of Romania. The book lists the plant species encountered by the authors and/or cited by older authors, placenames and bibliography, and a number of black and white illustrations to aid in species determination.
Flora și vegetația din sudul Podișului Mehedinți
Flora și vegetația din sudul Podișului Mehedinți Published: 1974, Bucharest
Authors: Nicolae Roman (1927-2015)
No. of pages: 222
Publisher: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste România
Notes: The book (English: The Flora and vegetation of the southern Mehedinți Plateau, abbreviation on this site: FVMH), is an extensive botanical study of the southern Mehedinți Plateau located in southwestern Romania. The region - which includes the Danube Gorges between Orșova and Turnu-Severin - is one of high geographical and botanical diversity. The book includes lists of plant species, placenames, and plant associations present in the region. It also contains brief sections on its geology, soil types, climate and history of botanical research.